Second Life Product Policy

Blossom Cottage_032

Your happiness after buying one of my products is my main concern and if you are not enjoying your purchase as expected please get in touch and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I’m based in the UK and we are around 8 hours ahead of SL so please be patient!

The best ways to get in touch:

Send an IM backed by a notecard

Send an email or

Use the contact form below

Now the legal stuff….

Thank you for your interest in/purchase of a MOCO Emporium product. All MOCO Emporium products and designs are protected by copyright and Intellectual Property Laws. Reproduction or onward transmission of any product or part of a product, design etc in whatever form is prohibited (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

1) You are granted a license to use MOCO Emporium products/designs in Second Life ONLY. All Intellectual Property Rights relating to the products/Designs remains with Moco Scribe and her real life counterpart.

2) Therefore copying and/or downloading a product/design is strictly prohibited.

3) Products are sold on the understanding that you have the correct viewer set up to enjoy it fully. For example, that you have a Mesh Enabled viewer, the appropriate light settings, graphic settings and so on

4) Purchasers should also note that although Second Life is a great place, it is an imperfect world.  Sim problems, lag, SL changes, internet connection problems etc can have an impact on your use of the product. All of these are outside of my control but you can subscribe to the various SL forums for advice

5) Support will be given for help with any product which is still in its original state but no guarantees are given for remedying or advising on problems as a result of changes made after purchase

6) All of my key products (cottages, beach huts, beds, lighting, rafts, camps, cuddle sofas etc) have detailed user manuals which you can view on the blog or via the SL Marketplace, please read as they will usually answer most initial questions

7) As most of the main items sold are copy/mod there are no refunds

Thanks again for your custom and have fun in world.